One tree at a time

Santiago, Moscow and Lagos present tree planting and urban forestry programs

The benefits of tree planting and urban forestry were discussed in a session represented by Santiago, Moscow and Lagos and moderated by Addis Ababa.

A representative from Santiago presented “Clima Adaptación Santiago” that the Chilean city use to analyse climate change in the region. According to the program, there is an effort to replanting the metropolitan area. In 2010 a campaign was launched “Un árbol un chileno” (One tree, one Chilean) which intends to plant a tree for every citizen.

In Moscow, there are 120 parks, 272 boulevards, 392 squares and 236 protected areas, in a total of 1,270 green spaces, an equivalent of 30% of all city area. The goal is raising to 40% in the next five years.

As for Lagos, the intention is to plant at least 500,000 trees annually. They created the July 14th as tree planting day and since 2008 almost 3 million trees were planted in the city. The goal is to achieve 5 million trees planted.