Climate and health in megacities

Public responsibility comprehends all aspects of human health and wellbeing

Public responsibility comprehends all aspects of human health and wellbeing
Global climate change and megacity urban health is of vital relevance at time when the majority of the world’s population is living in urban áreas. It is specially in the megacities of developing countries that higher urban growth rates can be found. In this round table, it was discussed the various aspects the urban environments influence almost every aspects of human health and wellbeing, how cities are associated with both positive and negative effects on public health, as well as how they offers various public health innovations, provide improved health care and services, and offer better information on climate related diseases.

Speakers: Secretary of Health Januário Montone, Paulo Saldiva, M.D. (University of Sao Paulo Faculty), Martha Macedo Barata (Fiocruz /Rio de Janeiro).
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Sao Paulo