São Paulo holds the third workshop of the international project on data disaggregation and reduction of inequalities

The activity will explore possible solutions to common problems identified between participating cities

11/06/2021 11h40

Next Friday (11), the City of São Paulo holds the third workshop of the South-South cooperation project on “Reducing Inequalities with a Focus on mainstreaming the Perspectives of Territory, Gender and Race/Ethnicity in Public Policies”. The activity starts at 2:30 pm, streaming on the YouTube channel of the Municipal Department for International Affairs (SMRI).

This workshop explores possible solutions to the common problems identified by the cities of Buenos Aires (Argentina), La Paz (Bolivia), Niterói (RJ), and São Paulo. The focus of the activity is "vulnerability of statistical systems", deepening the subject through the sharing of good practices.

During the workshop, each participating city will have 25 minutes to present an alternative to the difficulty diagnosed in the previous activities. Themes by the city are:

This workshop is part of the first part of the project, carried out by the Mercocidades network's South-South Cooperation Program. The initiative is coordinated by SMRI and aims to discuss the reduction of inequalities in municipalities from the disaggregating data's perspective, focused on territory, gender, race/ethnicity.


3rd workshop of the South-South cooperation project on “Reducing Inequalities with a Focus on the Transversal of Territory, Gender and Race/Ethnic Perspectives in Public Policies”
Date: 06/11/2021
Time: from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm